
Five Years of SD Express: A Milestone of Innovation

Since its inception, the SD memory card has been the unassuming hero of our digital lives. Largely unseen but quintessential, it has stored our precious memories, saved our vital data, and provided an indispensable level of flexibility and security. These removable cards have become emblematic of our advancing technological capabilities, largely du… もっと読む »

The State of microSD and Trends to Watch in 2024

The world of memory and storage technology is constantly evolving, and new advancements are being made each year. One such innovation is SD Express, which offers a broader range of benefits and advantages that are propelling storage technology forward. SD Express is a next-generation bus feature available for full-sized and microSD memory cards tha… もっと読む »

オンラインセミナー: SD Express Innovations

SDA は、新しい SD 9.1 で規格化したSD Express スピードクラスに搭載されている機能に関する情報を共有するために、無料の公開オンラインセミナーを主催しました。  セミナー録画 、セミナー資料